1·Mice are supposed to strike terror into the hearts of elephants — at least if Disney cartoons are to be believed.
2·Black and white objects strike terror in the hearts of some.
3·If snakes strike terror in your toddler's heart, he might still grow to be brave.
4·The future father of his country once proposed shooting a few Tories to “strike terror into the others”.
5·When asked about it, I said Quayle's claim would strike terror into the heart of every fire hydrant in America.
6·Mice are supposed to strike terror into the hearts of elephants - at least if Disney cartoons are to be believed.
7·Mice are supposed to strike terror into the hearts of elephants, but Dumbo's tormentors are actually even smaller.
8·He could strike terror in the hearts of his subordinates, but he could also motivate them to toil from dawn to midnight for just a word of praise.
9·Names like Bonzi Well, Rafer Alston, and Mike James don't exactly strike terror in your heart but if you concentrate too much on McGrady and Yao any of those guys could drop 20.
10·Having long been the most accessible river crossing between Nevada and Arizona, the dam is thought to be at risk of a terror strike, with trucks already banned from crossing.